
Helping business owners succeed in unprecedented numbers
through a disruptive system of leadership transformation


Business Model

Catalyst Cohorts is a movement that stirs up the gifts of its Members. It

  1. Challenges Founders,
  2. Empowers Founders, and
  3. Sends Founders out to become Great Leaders of other Leaders.

Cohorts consist of 6 similar Members, Marketplace Business Owners or organizational heads with a trained facilitator to manage and move the Cohort forward. Cohorts typically have some similar characteristics- such as B2B; B2C; startups; women in business; business sales between $2 and $10 million, or between $10 and $40 million; some other key demographic or market characteristic.

Once per month on a recurring schedule, the Cohort Members as a group gather for 5 hours (such as the last Friday of each month from 1pm to 6pm) to

  1. review prior month’s financial results for each entity
  2. review key performance indicators (KPIs)
  3. get feedback from the other CEOs and L4L Leader regarding ideas and solutions to issues being raised
  4. develop action items for the CEO based on constraints/ leverage points being identified;
  5. review follow through of prior period action items;
  6. get topical training from the Catalyst Academy on the Leadership for Leaders (L4L) Training Program of important principles on leadership and business success.

The main breakdown in “Brain Trust” Cohorts in the marketplace is poor follow through and implementation. Catalyst’s structure is set up with that in mind. The implementation process is built on trusted relationships and supported by cloud based technology, state of the art science and business success principles, and accountability and measurement practices.

We have a 10 year target of 100,000 worldwide L4L Cohort Members, transforming them into world changers who are Great Leaders, and in doing so double the organizations that have moved from Survival to SCALE!

Typical Cohort Agenda

  • 1 – 1:15

    Meet & Greet

  • 1:15 – 4:15

    Review Financial Statements and KPIs (15 minutes)
    Leverage & Issues Member Feedback (15 minutes)
         New Leverage Points
        New Issues
        Takeaways documented
        To Dos documented
        New Action Plan

  • 4:15 – 4:30

    Take few minutes break

  • 4:30 – 5:30

    Leverage Points Status
    Old Issues resolution discussion
    More To Dos documented

  • 5:30 – 6:00

        Organizational Excellence and Performance
        Personal Success
        Review Training Video (previously viewed by Members)
    Review Discovery Questions (previously completed by Members)
    10 minute Cohort Exercise

A Bumper Buddy is a foundational relationship between Cohort Members as support and encouragement facilitation. Each Member will team with another Member to support each other and meet periodically between Member meetings. The purpose of Bumper Buddies is to help each other prevent activities and actions that get too far out of line from the goals, strategies and purposes each Member has personally and professionally.

The Leaders who are Members of the Cohorts will be expected to pass on the training to either their own leadership team or another mix of Leaders they accumulate because true learning deepens when the Learner Trains someone else. This starts a “Pass it On” process within an organization, family, non- profit, etc.

We want to help you fine tune your Heroic Hope.
Each member is expected to start their membership with a period of “get acquainted and prepare for future success”.
This is a 3 to 6 month process of building a Personal Plan and a Business Summary Plan and getting their financials in better shape.
Will also start with some basic training on reading financial statements and understanding what they are saying. Often redoing financials to give better and more useful decision making information will be required.