Accelerating Success
Helping business owners succeed in unprecedented numbers
through a disruptive system of leadership transformation
Cohort - kō-hȯrt
Catalyst Cohorts are Peer to Peer CEO groups. But it’s much more! Catalyst Cohorts is a disruptive, cost effective NEW way for Business Owners, CEO’s, Presidents, Founders who desire to change their thinking and behavior to continually improve and move toward their personal and business success goals.
Each Catalyst Cohort is a small group based
We are a Peer to Peer CEO organization with proprietary technology, best practice know-how and a disruptive value proposition.
Catalyst Cohorts consist of Cohorts of 6 similar Marketplace Business Owners with a trained facilitator to manage and move the Cohort forward. Cohorts typically have some similar characteristics- such as B2B; B2C; startups; women in business; business sales between $2 and $10 million, or between $10 and $40 million; some other key demographic or market characteristic.
Once per month on a recurring schedule, the Cohort Members as a group gather for half a day to review financial results and acquire know how and experience with a trusted group of peers and a Leader to find specific actionable way to SUCCEED.
Most Entrepreneurs are very busy and pay attention to the problems most screaming for their Attention!
Successful Enterprisers know where they are going and pay attention to only what will get them there.
Poor Business design means YOU do all the work. Here is how an Enterprise is typically structured. Each leadership team member has a uniquely qualified skill set to bring value to the Enterprise.
An Enterprise needs to have 3 basic initial responsibilities covered to have scalable success. Different Guru’s call this different things. Jim Collins in “Good to Great” calls this having the right people in the right seats on the bus.
Early in the lifecycle of an Enterprise, some of these leadership responsibilities may be outsourced and/or covered by a one individual wearing multiple hats.Regardless – the people filling leadership roles need to value and naturally follow the Enterprise Culture/Values, and G,W,C—They GET IT; WANT IT; and are CAPABLE OF IT.It - being fulfilling the responsibilities of each of the functions.
The product person is the “expert” in the Product or Service the Enterprise will deliver to customers with felt needs.
They should be able to execute and communicate how the Enterprise delivers the top needs to the Target Market.
This is Marketing and Sales as the Target Market is most effectively reached.
In some organizations it will make sense to have both Marketing and Sales covered by individuals on the leadership team.
Marketing gets prospects from the Target Market into the sales funnel.
Sales takes prospects through the Aware; Interested: Considering: Client cycle.
The Infrastructure person will be responsible for all the support and back office functions. Accounting; Finance; Capital Structure; Strategic Planning; Cash & Asset Management; Human Resources; Information Technology; Legal and Regulatory; and any others specific to the Enterprise.
The Aligner, typically a Chief Operating Officer type, is the detail day to day person responsible to make sure the rest of the Leadership Team are fulfilling their responsibilities in accordance with agreed upon Priorities, Plans and Enterprise Culture.
The Visionary, often President or CEO, has a view to the future and what can be. They become the face and voice of the Enterprise to the entire Target Market. They LEAD an Inspired work force to accomplish Goals and Objectives set by the Leadership Team. They pattern the Enterprise Culture/Values and Lead by Example.
Unfortunately the Organization structure of the typical Entrepreneur, even with a significant number of people, looks like this:
What % of time are you productive? One Study of Fortune 500 CEO’s estimated it at only 28 minutes per day.
Productive time = Time directly spent improving the value of the business!Non – Productive Time
Productive Time
Super Productive Time
Hard Work
Marginal Results
Yes, business is hard. And business is complicated and getting more so every day with increased government taxation and regulation, not to mention the accelerated technology changes that face us every day.
The number one REASON given for business failure is “Lack of know-how and experience.”No work! Just changing how you think. L4L Cohorts will teach you the few simple Paradigms (Mind-sets) that you need to have to create your own Enterprise and fall back in love with your business.
L4L Cohorts will train and give you some simple tools to analyze your business and find Levers to crash through barriers formed to constrain your business from the growth is was built to have.
L4L Cohorts brings together business owners, each with their unique combination of skills and experience. Plus, couples this Cohort with training, tools and a system to get the most out of your own Leadership and Business opportunities. Then find the right people for the slots needed in your business.