Why we exist

Helping business owners succeed in unprecedented numbers
through a disruptive system of leadership transformation

Since 2007 more companies are dying than are being born! (Gallop)


Our goal is to help reverse this free enterprise death spiral now taking hold in our country!

We will create a rising tide; a tide of long term success that lifts all those around it.

Catalyst Cohorts trains Leaders who will train Leaders who will train Leaders and creates a multiplication of organizational excellence that in turn creates this rising tide.

Right now in the US the process of addition has turned into subtraction. More businesses go out of existence than are started. Per US Census data, in the last 7 years the number of firms with employees is down about 5%.

Start-ups are not surviving and are not scaling. Only 2% of firms with employees ever reach 100 employees.

What if that could be changed?

wwe-image2What if the main reasons for this failure, lack of know-how and experience, could be overcome? What if multiplication replaced addition/subtraction? Could we not change the world for the better?

Organizations, whether a business or even a church, go through stages of growth, where the factors needed to succeed radically change from the last stage!

It is like sports: What it takes to be a swimming champion is different than what it takes to be a track relay team champion and that is different than becoming a basketball team champion and that differs from becoming a football team champion.
All sports have their own fundamentals. Athletes are continually improving because the training and passing on of these fundamentals is becoming better and better.

Organizations at these various levels, like the sports teams, have their own fundamentals at each stage. But we tend to hear about the two ends- Entrepreneurs starting up; and very large bureaucratic organizations with multiple thousands of employees.
Actually 80% of firms in the US don’t even have 1 employee. They are home based businesses with a part time worker, OR inactive companies.

There are 6 million employer firms that make up the 20%.
But according to Gallup, since 2007 more companies are dying than are being born. This has never happened before since these stats began being collected. The net death toll is 70,000 firms per year!

Why do so many small and mid-sized firms (under 500 employees) fail?

As stated before the research shows there are 2 clear reasons, lack of:

  • Know-how, and its cousin
  • Experience

Catalyst Cohorts was built from the ground up to provide the answer to these issues for its Members!
We can help New Start-up Founders survive and go through the various stages of growth successfully.
If you have a small to mid-sized business and are struggling to grow, we can help!

Our Leadership for Leaders (L4L) Program uses state of the art cloud based technology to pass on best practice business thinking, and provides trusted relationships to provide encouragement, advocacy, and accountability for transformational change.